Google Analytics for Beginners (Video)

Emre Elbeyoglu
3 min readJul 4, 2019


Are you fresh in the digital marketing journey?

Fresh man in digital marketing and digital analytics.

In this case, we are transcripted the Google Analytics for Beginners video to make you quickly learn how to,

  • create and implement an account
  • set up views and filter
  • read basic reports
  • set up dashboards
  • perform basic analysis
  • set up goals and campaign tracking

This content from Google Analytics for Beginners in the Analytics Academy demonstrates how digital analytics can help you improve your business.

What is Digital Analytics?

People usually purchase goods in stages. In marketing, we have the concept of a purchase funnel.

There are different stages within the funnel that describe customer

A basic purchase funnel includes the following steps:

  • Acquisition involves building awareness and acquiring user interest.
  • Behavior is when users engage with your business.
  • Conversion is when a user becomes a customer and transacts with your business.

In the offline world, this process can be hard to measure.

But in the online world, we can measure many different aspects of the funnel using digital analytics.

We can track what online behavior led to purchases and use that data to make informed decisions about how to reach new and existing customers.

Think about an online store, such as the Google Merchandise Store.

It might have a goal to sell more t-shirts.

Using digital analytics, the store could collect and analyze data from their online advertising campaigns to see which are most effective and expand those marketing efforts.

For example, the store could analyze geographical sales data to understand if people in certain places buy a lot of shirts and then run additional advertising campaigns in those areas.

They could also use analytics to understand how users progress through their online shopping cart. If they notice that users have trouble with a particular step on their website, they can make changes to the site to resolve the problem.

How can different kinds of businesses benefit from Digital Analytics?

  • Publishers can use it to create a loyal, highly-engaged audience and to better align on-site advertising with user interests.
  • Ecommerce businesses can use digital analytics to understand their customers’ online purchasing behavior and better market their products and services.
  • Lead generation sites can collect user information for sales teams to connect with potential leads.

While we’ve primarily talked about collecting data from a website, Google Analytics can also collect behavioral data from a variety of systems such as mobile applications, online point-of-sales systems, video game consoles, customer relationship management systems, or other internet-connected platforms.

This data is compiled into Analytics reports, which you can use to perform in-depth analysis to better understand your customers and their purchase journey. Then you can test out new solutions to improve your business.

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